Because of its unique shape and design the Terracotta Static Anti Down Draught Chimney Cowl shields the chimney from light wind / air currents coming from any direction preventing down draught causing smoke to escape from the fireplace / stove or any appliance.
In addition, the Terracotta Static Anti Down Draught Chimney Cowl protects the chimney from moisture ingress and nesting birds.
The circular shape gives an exceptionally fast response to any air movement.
Balances the performance of the chimney through the Venturi Effect and this chimney cowl is especially suited to stove installations as it will aid the draught or upwards movement of gases in the chimney.
The Terracotta Static Anti Down Draught Chimney Cowl is also very effective at preventing driving rain.
The Terracotta Static Anti Down Draught Chimney Cowl offers maximum protection without impeding the performance of the chimney.
Highly effective at stopping the wind from entering the chimney in situations of occasional & not severe downdraught. If the problem is severe you need to install a Spinner Chimney Cowl.
Chimney Cowls are also known as Chimney Pots, Chimney Hoods or Chimney Caps. There are various names for these products but they are originally called Cowls.